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The latest piece of news

New updates will folow soon! - by PG1N 28/04/2024 @ 22:22

I will update the links soon, as some have changed or no longer exist. New links will also be added.
The most important change will be that the links to images will disappear. On the one hand because site owners have indicated that they do not appreciate this, and on the other hand because being fit saves me a lot of time and effort.

Welcome to PG1N's HAM Radio Site

Besides information about myself and my premier hobby, HAM Radio, in general, you can find here many hambrew links. During my queest for nice projects, I found so many nice ones, which I want to join with other HAMs.

I wish everyone lots of fun at my site!

73, Maarten PG1N

Introducing myself

QSL PG1NMy name is Maarten Ouwehand, I am 58 years young and radio amateur, wich you could guess already, hi.
I am a member of the VERON Centrum.
An other big hobby of mine is scouting.

My equipment

Kenwood TS-940SKenwood TS-940S

My favorite piece ofequipment is ofcourse my Kenwood TS-940S. Since also C-licenced amateurs are allowed to use HF ite is used many times. At the moment it is been repaired, so I have to use my XYLs Yeasu FT101ZD.

Links TS-940S:

  • RigPix - Kenwood TS-940S
  • Mods.Dk - Kenwood TS-940S

    My homebrew projects

    One of my latest projects is the RockMite, a 20 meter QRP CW transceiver. The Trx shown at the picture was just finnished during the 2005 fieldday but rejected to function properly. After some test it seemed that one of the resistors was incorrect. Because of the little time I have it is still at my workbench. At the picture you also can see the keyer I have made of a nailpolisher.

    Rock Mite bijna afgebouwd

    Some interesting links:

  • HF Roundups PA/ON
    Day Time Freq [MHz] Name Roundup Control
    Daily 00:00 CET 3.730 LSB Nachtuilennet
    Saturday 11:00 CET 3.605 LSB Landelijke ronde van PI4VRZ/A PI4VRZ/A
    Sunday 09:00 UTC 3.603 LSB ZX Ronde
    Sunday 09:15 CET 3.568 CW Surplus Radio Society PAØCWF
    Sunday 10:00 CET 3.705 AM Surplus Radio Society PI4SRS
    Sunday (1st) 10:00 CET 3.745 LSB
    7.065 LSB
    PI9D Net PI9D
    Sunday 11:30 CET 28.700 Veron Afd. Delft
    Sunday 12:00 CET 3.785 LSB KLM-roundup PI9KLM
    Mo till Fri 16:00 UTC 14.345 USB
    21.435 USB
    28.630 USB
    Het Nasiballen Net ON4ACH
    Wednessday 09:00 CET 3.692 LSB Old Timers Club PI4OTC
    Wednessday 19:00 CET 3.705 USB Surplus Radio Society PI4SRS
    (Summer holidays)
    20:30 CET 3.690 LSB Zomerkamoronde (ZoKa) PI4S/J
    Friday (1st) 21:00 CET 7.073 LSB PI4AA Verenigingszender PI4AA

    Updated 25 feb 2019
    Dutch VHF/UHF Roundups
    Day Time [CET] Freq [MHz] Name Roundup Control
    Saturday 11:00 145.250 Landelijke ronde van PI4VRZ/A PI4VRZ/A
    Sunday (1st) 10:00 145.350 PI9D Net PI9D
    Sunday 10:30 145.275 Hunebedronde
    Sunday 10:30 430.050 Noordelijke Amateur Ronde
    Sunday 11:00 145.225 Kop Noord-Holland Ronde
    Sunday 11:00 145.350 Ronde van Gorkum PI4GAC
    Sunday 11:00 145.400 Tilburgse Ronde PI4TIL
    Sunday 11:00 145.475 Veron Afd. Woerden PI4WNO
    Sunday 11:00 145.525 PI4VNW-ronde PI4VNW
    Sunday 11:00 145.600 PI3ZVL Veron Afd. Zeeuws-Vlaanderen PI4ZVL
    Sunday 11:00 145.700 PI3EHV Veron Afd. Eindhoven PI4ZA
    Sunday 11:00 145.725 PI3ZLB Zuid-Limburgse zondagochtendronde
    Sunday 11:00 145.750 PI3NYM Doetinchemse Koffieronde
    Sunday 11:30 145.250
    430.1775 PI2SHB
    Bossche Radio Amateur Club PI4SHB
    Sunday 11:30 145.4785 Veron Afd. Delft
    Sunday 11:30 145.7125 PI3ZAZ Zaanse Ronde PI4ZAZ
    Sunday 11:30 430.3625 PI2DEV Veron Afd. Deventer PI4DEV
    Zondag 11:45 (RTTY)
    12:15 (Phone)
    145.475 Veron Afd. Gouda PI4GAZ
    Sunday 12:00 145.650 PI3MEP Veron Afd. Meppel PI4MPL
    Sunday 12:00 145.775 PI3GOE Veron Afd. Noord en Zuid Beveland PI4NZB
    Sunday 14:00 145.775 PI3ASD Radio Club Kennemerland PI4RCK
    Sunday 19:30 145.550 Veron Afd. Hoekse Waard PI4VHW
    Sunday 20:00 145.650 PI3BRD Veron Afd. Breda PI4BRD
    Sunday 20:00 145.700 PI3HVN Muntronde
    Sunday 20:30 145.250 Tamboerronde PI4HGV
    Sunday 20:30 145.425 VRZA Afd. Oost-Brabant PI4EHV
    Sunday 20:30 145.675 PI3RTD De Ronde van Rotterdam PI4RTD
    Sunday 21:00 145.225 Technoronde PI4WAL
    Sunday 21:00 145.500 Zondag Avond Roep Ronde PB2RVS
    Monthly 1st
    20:30 144.700 Romeo Foxtrot DX vereniging PA5AB/PA9RF
    (See site)
    20:30 145.250 Valleironde PI4EDE/PI4WAG
    Monday 20:30 145.675 PI3NOV Veron Afd. Noord Oost Veluwe PI4NOV
    during Corona
    20:00 145.325 Veron Afd. Centrum PI4UTR
    Tuesday 20:30 145.250
    Scouting Radio Spijkenisse PI9SRS
    (except 3rd)
    20:30 145.400 Veron Afd. Helmond PI4HMD
    (except 1st)
    20:30 145.550 Zutphense Radio Ronde PI4ZUT
    (Summer holidays)
    19:30 145.575 PI3UTR Zomerkamoronde (ZoKa) PI4S/J
    Wednessday 19:30 145.750 PI3GRN Pronkjewailronde
    Wednessday 20:30 145.400 Onafhankelijke Radioamateurs Brabant
    Wednessday (1st) 20:30 145.425 Veron Afd. Nieuwegein PI4NOV
    Wednessday 20:30 145.625 PI3BOZ Veron Afd. Bergen op Zoom PI4BOZ
    Wednessday 20:30 145.625 PI3ZOD Wednessday
    21:00 144.345± SSB SSB Ronde PI4ANH
    Wednessday 21:00 145.400 Veron Afd. Amstelveen PI4BOZ
    Thursday 20:30 145.725 PI3APD Stichting Radioamateurs Stedendriehoek PI4SHD
    Thursday 21:00 145.225
    Veron Afd. ‘t Gooi PI4RCG
    Thursday 21:00 145.425 Veron Afd. Arnhem PI4ANH
    Thursday 21:30 145.475 Veron Afd. Oss PI4OSS
    Friday 20:00 430.050 PI2NWK Veron Afd. Leiden PI4LDN
    Friday (1st) 21:00 145.325
    430.1125 PI2NOS
    PI4AA Verenigingszender PI4AA
    Friday 21:00 145.350 De Waterland Ronde PI4WLD

    Updated 27 feb 2019
    Home Frequencies PA
    144.5375 Culemborg e.o. (Radio Elektronica Club)
    145.2250 MHz Hilversum
    145.2500 MHz Ede-Wageningen
    145.2750 MHz Dordrecht e.o. (Dordtse Elektronica Club)
    145.3250 MHz Utrecht (Veron A08)
    145.3625 MHz Maartensdijk
    145.4750 MHz Oss e.o. (Veron A36)
    145.5500 MHz Hoekse Waard (Veron A52)
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