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40m Projects - Transmitters

<"Altoobs" 2-Tube 40 Meter CW Transmitter by N5ESE
My homebrew projects tend to progress in stages, spread over time. This one was certainly an example of that process. Being enamored of projects built into the ubiquitous Altoids tin, ...

<250mW TX by SMØVPO
Here is a simple little HF TX. It may be modified for all the HF bands, but the details given are only for the 7MHz band. The basic transmitter uses two transistors BC547 and will deliver over 250mW of power.

40 meter 100 watt Transmitter by K9GDT
The 40m receiver was complete and it wasn’t long before the old girl was beginning to look forlorn. It was obvious she needed a mate. Hmmm....perhaps something tall, dark, and handsome? Nope. ...

40 Meter QRP Transmitter by AA5TB
Below is a photo of a simple 40 meter CW transmitter that I built. It sports full break-in operation and 250 mW of output power. The final output transistor is a mighty 2N2219A.

6AQ5 CW Transmitter by K5DH
This cute little 40 meter CW transmitter is nothing more than a 6AQ5 oscillator coupled to the antenna. Power output is on the order of 6 Watts with 275 VDC on the plate and a crystal with good activity.

6L6 Transmitter by K4GC
Here is my newest transmitter. It uses a 6L6 with a 6X5 rectifier and a 0D3 voltage regulator tube on the creen. The power output is only about 5 watts. It can go almost twice that by pulling out the 0D3, but ...

7 on 7 Qrp by VU2VWN
This is a VFO control, easy to build 7 watts QRP on 7 Mhz from Vasantha VU2VWN. If you are in close VU, you may hear hundreds of hams using this QRP on 7MHz - AM.

7MHz 3Transistor 4W CW transmitter by JF1OZL
I will show you my first full handmade transmitter. This is three stage CW transmitter for 7MHz. I ordered the crystal for the crystal's maker. The signal made by the oscillator is amplified by the two stage C class amplifier.

A 2 Transistor Transmitter Powered From A 9V Battery by AA7EE
A couple of days ago I built a simple 2 transistor transmitter on a small piece of PCB material. I used the style of construction that seems to be becoming my default – Manhattan-style using MeSQUARES from QRPMe.

AM DSB Transmitter for Hams by VU3PRX
The circuit of AM transmitter is designed to transmit (amplitude modulated) DSB (double side band) signals. A modulated AM signal consists of a carrier and two symetrically spaced side bands.

Build a 5 Watt 40 Meter Transmitter by N1HFX
There is nothing more satisfying about this hobby than building your own transmitter. The circuit in figure 1 is a crystal controlled CW transmitter with at least 5 watts of power.

Build A Tuna-Tin 2 by W1CER
Ham radio lost its kick? Go QRP with this weekendproject transmitter! WAS with a 40-meter half-watter?
You betcha!

The Tuna-Tin 2 Today by W1CER
Ham radio lost its kick? Go QRP with this weekendproject transmitter! WAS with a 40-meter half-watter?
You betcha!

Fun with the Tuna Tin II by VE7SL
In May 1976, QST printed an article that would become legendary! "THE TUNA TIN II" by Doug Demaw (W1CER) was an instant hit. Over the next few months and years, hundreds of Tuna Tin II's were built and put into operation and many hams were introduced to the challenge of QRP for the first time.

CANARINHO - 40m Xtal CW Transceiver by PY2OHH
In the CANARINHO simple version we have only the TX, keyed directly by the CW key. Building it this way we have a current of about 180mA in the key, but it is no good because it burns the key contacts in little use time.

CURRUIRA - The smallest 40m CW Transmitter by PY2OHH
After the CANARINHO success we decided to build a transmitter with the lowest number of discrete parts. So we arrived to the CURRUIRA.
There are only 7 parts! It is a crystal Colpitts oscillator with almost all deleted!

Currupaco - A simple 40m QRP DSB Transmitter by PY2OHH
Because the high interest raised by the DSB projects, we decided to publish a circuit we have mounted and worked very well, in spite of it has no box yet and haven’t been practically tested, as everything we publish here was duly tested in the home-brewing shop and in QSOs.

JORF - A simple 40m CW Transmitter by PY2OHH
The JORF is a simple transmitter with 4 stages, it works with a ceramic resonator VXO, common transistors (2N3904 or BC547 or BC548 and the BD139) and commercial inductors.

JUMA-TX1 CW transmitter for 80 m and 40 m amateur radio bands by OH2NLT & OH7SV
JUMA-TX1 is a CW transmitter for 80 m and 40 m amateur radio bands. It is a follow-up project to the JUMA-RX1 HF receiver. The VFO is using DDS and the output power is 5 watts.

Low power QRSS beacon by GØUPL
This ultra-low power QRSS beacon was designed to be as efficient as possible, and produce a milliwatt or few from low voltage, low current supply.

PÃO-DURO Transmissor CW Classe "E" por PY2OHH
Pequeno, economico, eficiente, valente ...são muitos adjetivos...
Vamos desenhar um transmissor de CW !

Pippin QRP TX by G3MY
Basically, it is a conventional Colpitt type crystal oscillator but with the output taken from a low value collector load resistor and direct coupling is made into the base of the PNP device used as an amplifier.

Powerless transmitter by JF1OZL
This is AM transmitter, using no power supply. It moves only by the voice power. Audio power is translated for electric power and it excite radio frequency oscillator.

SOVINA Transmissor CW Classe "E" por PY2OHH
Baseado nos artigos e projetos do David Cripe NMØS, desenhamos um transmissor simples de CW muito parecido como pão-duro, mas os valores dos componentes são muito proximos do real e nos prototipos de 40 e 20m se comportaram bem.

SOVINA2 Transmissor 40m CW Classe "E" por PY2OHH
Aqui mais um transmissor de CW, simplificamos o SOVINA ... retirei o 7805 e o 74HC02 ...substitui por um 2N7000 que funciona como oscilador a cristal e driver.

The "Secret Dream" Transmitter by WD8DAS
Constructing this transmitter from scratch using parts on hand has given me more satisfaction than any hobby project in recent memory. My "secret dream" has been fulfilled.

The Grenade Project
The "grenade" is a 10 watt AM transmitter for the 40 meter band. It was designed, built and sold by "Radio Animal" of WKND. To protect his design he removed the ID numbers from all the transistors ...

Creation date : 12/08/2007 @ 16:02
Last update : 03/08/2024 @ 23:01
Category : 40m Projects
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