10,1 MHz QRP TX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2009/07/101mc-qrp-tx.html |
30m QRSS Beacon by GØUPL A borderline insane 30m QRSS beacon project. The beacon contains an 8K EEPROM (28C64 chip) of which only 1K is used. It is programmed by hand from front panel switches. http://www.hanssummers.com/qrss.html |
30m QRSS Junkbox Beacon by GØUPL Here's a 30m QRSS beacon whose main objective is low cost and simplicity. I built this project entirely from junk box parts: the only component purchased specifically for this project was the 10,140kHz crystal ... http://www.hanssummers.com/qrssjb.html |
5W QRP tranmitter for 30m with class D amplifier by OH1TV In this project I wanted to learn more about class D amplifiers. In D-class two active components act as switches.
One of the switches conduct on each half cycle. In the output either current or voltage is zero during all half cycle, which means that
power dissipated is zero and in ideal case efficiency reaches 100%. https://oh1tv.fi/class%20D%20QRP%2030m.htm |
A 10MHz QRP transmitter by F6GLZ This home made transmitter will be the companion of my low band receiver soon described here. In fact, it is a synthesis of several modules already tested separatly. https://jclaudegerwill.wordpress.com/translation/a-10mhz-qrp-transmitter/ |
A Two-transitor Transmitter for 30 Meters by KB4PY When I decided to become active on the 30-m band, I wanted to build a simple transmiter. I have a Yeasu FT-101E that receives WWV on 10MHz. Others may have general-coverage receivers, and need only a transmitter. http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/tis/info/pdf/8402046.pdf |
A WSPR Transmitter for 30m by ZL4SAE As shown in the heading pic, the transmitter will interface to the previously published receiver, via the changeover relay, which is VOX operated. The audio from the PC, or laptop, is buffered by the external USB sound-card. https://gw4sae.wordpress.com/2016/11/01/a-wspr-transmitter-for-30m/ |
Tiny 30m WSPR beacon by PA2RF I was looking for a small WSPR beacon for portable use. When reading the blog of Roger, G3XBM, I ran into the WISPY TX beacon. I converted his 20m beacon to a 30m version. http://pa2rf.blogspot.com/2013/08/tiny-30m-wspr-beacon.html |