14,068 MHz receiver by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2011/06/14068-mhz-receiver.html |
14,069 Mhz RX IF 9 Mhz by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/01/14069-mhz-rx-if-9-mhz.html |
20m QRP RX 10,7 IF by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2009/12/20m-qrp-rx-107-if.html |
Direct conversion receiver for 20m CW by OH1TV I had earlier designed QRPp transmitter "Minimal 1", which delivers 1W output on 14.060MHz and works fine. I wanted to make a pair for it, a receiver in the same spirit. To keep it simple, direct conversion concept was chosen. https://oh1tv.fi/DC-RX%2020m.htm |
Jaçanã - 20m CW Superhet Receiver by PY2OHH A receiver for the 20m band, simple, cheap and with easily available parts in the national (brazilian) market, even by mail order. It is a superheterodyne type, which is really necessary from this frequency upwards. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/jacana/Jacana.htm |
LM386+AN7205 simple 14Mhz receiver by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/03/lm386an7205-simple-14mhz-receiver.html |
Recepteur a Reaction 20m de F5LVG Une détectrice à réaction est un récepteur simple relativement sensible du fait de la réaction. Ce procédé consiste à réinjecter à l'entrée d'un amplificateur une partie du signal de sortie qui est alors réamplifiée, .. http://oernst.f5lvg.free.fr/rx/14mhz/rx1v1_14mhz.htm |
Simple receiver For 40 and 20 M with an unusual tuning control by PA2OHH Geert Paulides PA7ZEE had a nice idea, a homebrew competition of a shortwave receiver!!! It was a nice opportunity for me to do some experiments with a direct conversion receiver with the RA3AAE mixer. http://www.qsl.net/pa2ohh/07swrx1.htm |
suDDSon Receiver by AI4SV My longish term goal is to build the LBS transceiver described by N6QW and KK6FUT (who I see is now AI6YR) and I am methodically working my way through that project. http://blog.templaro.com/suddson-receiver/ |