3.5MHz 10W SSB Transceiver by JF1OZL In week day I operate 7MHz CW on my shack. But in these days, on the 7MHz , my signal skips out from Japan and I can't contact any station after 10 o'clock. Therefore I decided to make 3.5MHz SSB and CW rigs. https://www.qrp-ja.net/jf1ozl/3.5mssb.html |
75 Meter Ham DSB Transceiver by KE7HR With the success of the 75 and 80 meter ham band experiments that I had done in the past, I wanted to have a simple and inexpensive transceiver to bring underground. https://ke7hr.com/caveradio/dsb75.pdf |
75 Meter SSB Transceiver by WA7JHZ Here's 75 Meter QRP SSB Transceiver. In general, the transceiver switches the 4-element 1500 ohm xtal BPF ends between the inputs and outputs of the two SA602s to reverse the signal flow for R/T operation. http://electronics-diy.com/75-meter-ssb-transceiver.php |
80m DSB transceiver by PE1JPD It is a DSB transceiver with an output of 5W. It is build around 8 noval tubes of the EF/EL series using a lot of material from Amroh, a form manufacturer of electronic components in the Netherland. http://www.pe1jpd.nl/index.php/80m-dsb-transceiver/ |
80m SSB & CW QRP superhet transceiver by S56AL The 80m SSB & CW transceiver design is based on an already proven concept used in ATLAS amateur transistorised transceivers from 70's. https://s56al.net/ham_radio/ssb_80m/ssb_80m.html |
Extra simple DSB 80m Transceiver by ZL2BMI Back in the mid 1980’s I designed and built various 80m DSB transceivers. Some of these were initially published in the NZART magazine; “Break-In”. https://www.angelsnz.net/ZL3SV/qrp/QRP-rigs/zl2mbi-rig-%20circuit%20modification-212.htm |
JUMA ERX-1 Direct Conversion HF Transceiver with DDS by OH2NLT & OH7SV JUMA-TRX1 is a direct conversion HF transceiver based on the previous JUMA-RX1, JUMA-TX1, JUMA-KEYER1 projects. It is driven by a stable DDS VFO and has the following features. http://www.jumaradio.com/juma-trx1/ |
LSB transceiver for 3699 kHz by OH1TV This project is real but at the same time a joke. In OH-land the rag-chewing channel on HF is 3699 kHz LSB. Many people meet there every day, sometimes all day. And more are just listening. In fact those hams would not need more radio than this single channel LSB transceiver for 3699.00kHz. https://oh1tv.fi/Transceiver%203699.htm |
Nano - The Traveller’s Rig by Kang. K. P. S ately I had a feeling of necessity of an 80 meter portable rig for use during traveling and camping that proved to be the main impetus behind the development of this little transceiver for portable use. https://www.hamradio.in/projects/nano |
Simple QRP transceiver for 80m SSB by OH1TV I have many rigs for QRO and QRP, old and new. But still I wanted to build myself a simple SSB rig and feel the homebrewers satisfaction, when on the air with such a rig. https://oh1tv.fi/Transceiver%2080m.htm |