14,068 Mhz bilateral transmitter by LY3LP Some MOSFET's BS170 requires a resistance from source to gate. It should be approx.3kOhm and needed to be individually selected. Coils on ring T37-6 are tuned for resonance , then TX signal is clear.Output power is abt 50mW ,if my power meter shows correctly. It easily lights LED , telegraphing tone also is clear. http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/02/14068-mhz-bilateral-transmitter.html
3 stage BS170 14MHz TX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/02/3-stage-bs170-14mhz-tx.html
Bilateral 14,096 Mhz TX by LY3LP G3ESP ideas...a wide range VXO... http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/01/bilateral-14096-mhz-tx.html
BS 170 FET...two stage QRP 14,068 MHz TX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/02/bs-170-fettwo-stage-qrp-14068-mhz-tx.html
BS170 simple 14 Mhz CW TX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/01/bs170-simple-14-mhz-cw-tx.html
LA1185 QRP 14MHz TX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2009/07/la1185-qrp-14mc-tx.html
Parallel BS170 14,068 MHz TX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/02/parallel-bs170-14068-mhz-tx.html
QRP AM(cw) Transmitter for the 20 meterband RE-TX02HF20 by ON6MU In this project, you will make a simple low-power broadcast-type circuit, using a crystal oscillator integrated circuit and an a collector modulated AM oscillator. https://www.qsl.net/on6mu/schemas/transmitter_QRP_20meterband_on6mu.htm
QRP Transmitter with VXO by PA2OHH Normally these designs have only two transistors. A good example is My first QRP rig that can be found somewhere else on this site. Here the VXO (Variabele X-tal Oscillator) has a tuning range of 16 kHz. http://www.qsl.net/pa2ohh/98tx20m.htm
SA 612 QRP 14MHz TX by LY3LP https://sa555.blogspot.com/2009/07/sa-612-qrp-14-mc-tx.html
SSB Transmitter by SMØVPO This project is relatively simple to construct, and will give a "presentable" SSB signal on the lower HF amateur bands. http://www.sm0vpo.altervista.org/tx/ssb-tx1.htm
SOVINA Transmissor CW Classe "E" por PY2OHH Baseado nos artigos e projetos do David Cripe NMØS, desenhamos um transmissor simples de CW muito parecido como pão-duro, mas os valores dos componentes são muito proximos do real e nos prototipos de 40 e 20m se comportaram bem. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/sovina/sovina.html
Step VFO by SMØVPO This project has two different inputs, one for 600Hz FSK and one for keying the oscillator. It is based upon a crystal so the HF stability is excellent. http://www.sm0vpo.altervista.org/tx/hf-osc1.htm
Tunnel diode QRP/p 14 060 Mc TX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2009/07/tunel-diode-14060-mc-tx.html