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70cm Projects - Pre-Amplifiers

2m & 70cm PREAMPS for Satellite work (ON6UG design) by ON7EQ
The PREAMP is of wideband design. Please note that for certain applications, a narrow band design would be more desirable. Be sure that the preamp is not overloaded by nearby FM broadcast or utility VHF-signals etc.

432 MHz Low Noise Preamplifier for Moonbounce Operation and Weak Signal Reception by DF9CY
Moonbounce is the most challenging field in Amateur Radio. Everything must be designed for to provide an optimum performance. A very low noise preamplifier as described here is an essential must. It is easy and also cheap to build a very good one without spending a fortune for a commercial type.

432MHz Low Noise Preamp with FHX35LG by DL5LF
Presenting you another preamplifier design, made by Noriyuki (JH0WJF).

435 + 1296MHz ATF54143 Pre-amplifier by GØMRF
The prototype for this amplifier was originally designed for 70cm and was used on the 2004 '3B9C' Dx-pedition to Rodriguez Island for satellite and EME. It had a noise figure of 0.49dB with an associated gain of 20dB.

UHF (70cm Band) LNA by SV1BSX
A Low Noise Antenna pre-amplifier (LNA) is a simple unit which offers spectacular improvement in the quality of receiving signal, especially when the signal is very weak and it comes from long distance. This is a usual receiving condition in the Satellite reception, EME and UHF DX-ing.

Creation date : 07/09/2018 @ 23:01
Last update : 14/08/2024 @ 21:27
Category : 70cm Projects
Page read 9380 times

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