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6m Projects - Loop Antennas

50 / 430MHz Slim Hentenna by JA1HWO

50MHz "SKYDOOR" JA1HWO Original Antenna by JA1HWO
The SKYDOOR is 6m band antenna. It is 1 loop simple Antenna.

50MHz ML Antenna (ultra small) by JA1HWO

50MHz squalo antenna by JA1HWO

6 Meter Rotatable Delta Loop by KK5ID
The 6 Meter Band may be dead at times, but help bring it to life with Larry's rotatable loop project. Simple, easy to build and won't break the bank.

6 Meters Small Magnetic Loop by PY1AHD
The 6 meters loop is made with a section of 1 meter 70 centimeters, 9 mms. soft copper tube closed by a 10 Pico farads mini butterfly capacitor.
This loop was designed to be used with a QRP transceiver like the Yaesu FT 817 or the Icom IC 703.

A Hentenna for 6 Meters by JR1LZK

Einfach aufzubauende Deltaloop für 50MHz (6m) durch DL5DBM
Ich habe diese Antenne auf dem Dachboden aufgebaut, und in dieser Form im Gebälk aufgehangen (Unterdach).

Hentenna for the 6m band by DL1GSJ
My impression is, that the Hentenna performs better than my commercial Al-pipe dipole. Moreover it is easier to transport and/or store anyway.

Creation date : 13/09/2018 @ 23:09
Last update : 09/08/2024 @ 22:10
Category : 6m Projects
Page read 12661 times

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