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µController Arduino - APRS Projects

Arduino APRS Tracker by SV1QFV
An APRS tracker is easy to build these days.
I had decided to build one for portable use. Transmit of APRS messages is done through a UV-5R.

Arduino AX.25 TNC by M1GEO
I have been interested in APRS for years, and have been running a homebrew APRS Tracker in the car for a good few years too, as well as MB7UCL and various other bits and pieces on the APRS network.

GPS receiver with MAIDENHEAD locator readout by ON7EQ
This sketch will read RMC-data from a GPS receiver and show it on a 4 X 20 LCD display, while converting position information to MAIDENHEAD locator. Very handy if you are operating /portable during contest, field day etc.

Creation date : 15/09/2018 @ 00:35
Last update : 24/08/2024 @ 11:27
Category : µController Arduino
Page read 8785 times

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