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17m Projects - Antennas

3 + 3 El. Yagi for 12/17 Mt by IK4DCS
This English web page is still under construction.
The measures and drawing are already available.

A Hanging Rectangular Loop Antenna by KT4QW
Loops work! Build a hanging loop for 10 and 17 meters that will give almost 3 dBd of gain. It’s compact, horizontally polarized, has a broad azimuth pattern, requires no matching network and can be easily rotated.

An Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours.. by EI7BA
Over the last few years, I have heard guys using Hexbeam antennas. As this antenna was new to me, I got a few of these stations to rotate their beams so I could see the front-to-back ratio.

Build a 12/17 Meter Trap Dipole by AD5X
Why a 12/17 meter rotatable dipole? Well, many folks have verticals for the lower bands, and multi-band dipoles or beams for 20-, 15-, and 10 meters. But often you don’t have an antenna for the 17- and 12-meter bands.

Dualband 17m/20m Moxon by N3OX
When BS7H came up in May 2007, I knew I would need a better antenna to have a chance at working them from the East Coast. I had a 20m Moxon Rectangle stowed away in the shack that I had built very carefully and never put up.

Monoband 3 El. Yagi for 17 Mt by IK4DCS
After many years of home-self construction and many pounds of aluminium passing under my hands, my skill has been making progress either concerning type and weight of the material used.

Rotary Dipole for 12/17 Mt by IK4DCS
After all the experiments on the WARC bands self-made antennas I had just to try with a coax-cable-trapped rotating dipole.

Ultra-short whip antenna for 2 bands by JA1HWO

Creation date : 12/08/2007 @ 22:32
Last update : 05/08/2024 @ 23:16
Category : 17m Projects
Page read 27967 times

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