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15m Projects - SSB Transceivers

21 MHz 5 W SSB / CW transceiver by JH1USG

21MHz 1W SSB and CW Transceiver by JF1OZL
I made this new transceiver to operate CW and SSB with one box of machine. In Japan we can get from 10.595 to 10.695 10kHz step CB-junk crystals very cheap.

21MHz 2W DSB transceiver by JF1OZL
About one year ago ,on 1998 my QSO friends said to me that he made this projects and he got 1 watt and he could make QSO with his local station.

21MHz DSB transceiver by JF1OZL
In these days cycle 22 becomes stronger day by day. I want to make QSO in 21MHz like the cycle 21, about 6 years ago. I made simple DSB( double side band) transceiver. One of my friend made the same rig and completed it. Therefore I think that this page has good re-productivity.

5 valve ssb transceiver for 21MHz by JF1OZL
See another explanation about ssb rigs in my homepage before you read this page! I will explain about the differences from the another machines.

Creation date : 21/09/2020 @ 22:23
Last update : 06/08/2024 @ 07:30
Category : 15m Projects
Page read 4118 times

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