10m RX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2011/06/10m-rx.html |
28- 28,080 MHz RX by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2011/10/28-28080-mhz-rx.html |
28 MHz VXO - PTO RX with FET by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2012/01/28-mhz-vxo-pto-rx-with-fet_13.html |
28,00 - 28,100 MHz RX IF 22,118 MHz by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2011/06/2800-28100-mhz-rx-if-22118-mhz.html |
28MHz Superregen by HS8JYX/AG6BD Superregenerative receivers offer high sensitivity, with a very simple circuit when compared to a superhet. Their main limitations lie in the relatively low selectivity, and the superregenerative hiss produced. http://fet-project.blogspot.com/2010/06/28mhz-superregen.html |
TBA120 Receiver by SMØVPO Here is a nice little receiver for narrow-band FM reception. It can also be used to receive FSK, RTTY and PACKET signals from the HF bands. The receiver can be tuned to almost any frequency from 100KHz up to 120MHz. http://sm0vpo.altervista.org/rx/tba120-1.htm |
TDA7000 for NBFM by SMØVPO For some months I have been nursing the thought of making a "universal receiver": a receiver that can be used from DC to light, or something like that. http://sm0vpo.altervista.org/rx/tda7k-rx2.htm |
TDA 7052 28MHz receiver by LY3LP 27 May, with 5meter wire, heard LA3G? SP... http://sa555.blogspot.com/2011/05/tda-7052-28mhz-receiver.html |