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15m Projects - Transmitters

15 Meter Transmitter by AA3SJ
I built this transmitter to work with my Progressive Receiver. It is VXO controlled using 21.040 MHz and 21.060 MHzHC6U crystals that I bought at Ocean State Electronics.

15 Meter VXO-Tuned CW Transmitter by KC6WDK
An easy-to-build and affordable CW rig that puts out about 500 milliwatts on 15 meters features a VXO circuit that "warps" each crystal frequency by as much as 10kHz or more for increased flexibility.

21MHz CW 6W transmitter based on MIZUHO QP-21 by JF1OZL
QP-21 is a CW kit transmitter by MIZUHO company famous in Japan. I began my amateur-activity with this QP-21 transmitter. After half a year from beginning, I add the VXO and power AMP for QP-21.

21MHz DSB Transmitter by JF1OZL
I will show you one more my early age of projects. This is my first phone modulation transmitter. I made this transmitter after makeing some CW transmitter. Then I wanted to grip a microphone and talk about handmade.

HIPERVXO 21 to 21.4 MHz by PY2OHH
It covers from 21 to 21.4MHz. It stabilizes in 3 minutes. Good for CW or SSB. If you want more, just add a Huff-Puff or a FLL. Proper for DC radios on 15m CW or DSB.

The W0RIO 15 Meter QRP Transmitter by WØRIO
This 100mW QRPp transmitter project was put together after your author acquired a surplus 21.052 Mhz TTL oscillator module.

Creation date : 13/08/2007 @ 22:34
Last update : 06/08/2024 @ 19:03
Category : 15m Projects
Page read 20211 times

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