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10m Projects - Transceivers

10m Lesser Chirpy Transceiver by G3XBM
This is probably the simplest CW transceiver possible for use on 10m. Based on my XBM80-2 design for 80m, this is essentially the same circuit redone for a 28.060MHz fundamental crystal.

10m TenBox AM Transceiver by G3XBM
The Tenbox 10m QRP AM transceiver is a higher power version of the Fredbox and Sixbox, but this time for 10m AM between 29-29.1MHz. The intended purpose is for local QSOs, within a few miles, rather than for DXing.

10m Tenner QRP CW Transceiver by G3XBM
The Tenner is a small 500mW CW rig for 10m. It uses the OXO circuit for the transmitter and an SBL1 based direct conversion receiver on receive. TX-RX offset is around 600-800Hz when the key is pressed, so no special RIT circuit is included.

28MHz All Mode Transceiver by YO4HFU
All Mode 10m Transceiver (high performance)
(used with transverters for 50MHz, 144MHz, 432MHz)

The FPqrp Club miniPIG-10 by W8DIZ
This project came about when FP#2, Rick WB6JBM made the comment "we should have a club project to build". A ten meter rig seemed to fit the bill as Rick had no 10 meter capabilities smile.

Transceiver DSB 28 Mhz de F6FEO
J'ai toujours rêvé de construire un transceiver DSB, mon rêve est réalisé!
Avec un peu de propagation et une antenne digne ce ce nom, une puissance de 3 W doit permettre d'atteindre des contrées éloignées.

Creation date : 13/08/2007 @ 22:50
Last update : 06/08/2024 @ 23:00
Category : 10m Projects
Page read 42203 times

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