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6m Projects - Transceivers

"Magic 50" Just Another 50 MHz Transverter by DF9CY
With April, 1st 1990 German Amateurs were able to receive a special permission for operation in the 50.080 .. 50.400 MHz Band. After a first bad experience with a MOSFET Converter I designed a transverter ...

2N2/6 - 40 to 6 Meter "No Tune" Transverter by K8IQY
This project is a 40 meter to 6 meter CW "no tune" transverter using ten 2N2222 transistors and one 2N2907. The transverter requires 2 watts of drive from a 40 meter cw transceiver and outputs 2 watts on 6 meters.

3 Transistor 50MHz SSB Transceiver by JF1OZL
Several years ago, JH1FCZ gave us the theme as follows. Make transceiver with only three transistor. How many QSO can you make with it? This is one of my answer for this theme.. ..

50 &70/28MHZ Transverter by YO4HFU
This transverter I started 4 years ago. I avoided using common blocks for 50 & 70 MHz. In the future I would never use a single board for low signal and power amplifier. Is very difficult to avoid self oscillation. All amplifiers stages have high gain at this frequencies.

50 MHz low power TRX by LY3LP

50MHz 10mW handy transceiver by JF1OZL
This rig is made by a surface mount construction. All transistor and resistor is made by surface mount chips. So this is very small. Circuit of it is similar as it of 50MHz 2W TRX. So I will show you only the circuit.

50MHz 200mW FM transceiver by JF1OZL
After I made CW,SSB and AM transceiver, I decided to make FM transceiver. But I hate 144MHz and 430MHz. Therefore I decided to make it by 50MHz.

50MHz 250mW AM transceiver by JF1OZL
In Japan, we cannot hear the AM modulated signal except 50MHz in these days. And some of the operator of 50MHz AM use hand made rigs. I may introduce you about my simple and useful transceiver in this page.

50MHz 2W SSB rig by JF1OZL
This rig was built for use both at home and while sitting in my car on top of a local hill. To operate from the car, I set up two elements of an HB9CV antenna.

50MHz 40mW AM Handy transceiver by JF1OZL
I wanted to use a pair of handy transceiver to use holiday. AM is good mode to use such a purpose because I am an OM. Therefore mode was decided as AM. I decided to make it with a single conversion.

50MHz CW transceiver using only 2 transistors by JF1OZL
I recognized again that CW can make easy QSO than SSB by QRP. I made CW transceiver with only 2 transistors. Receiver is direct conversion, with RF and AF amplifier. Transmitter is two stages.

This transceiver is very unique. This transceiver uses the phase sift network.


50MHz SSB/CW Transceiver by YO3DAC/VA3IUL
On receive side the signal from the antenna, passed through a Low Pass Filter and TX / RX switch, is amplified by the dual-gate LNA (Q1) BF998.

50MHz Transverter by AA3SJ
I began working on a transverter for several reasons. Over the years I have enjoyed operating during 6 meter openings, but I presently don't have an HF rig that includes the 6 meter band.

50MHz Transverter 10m/6m by DK7ZB
This transverter was built in 1994, a discription in three parts (german language) for DOWNLOAD as PDF-files. New: Translation in English by Anwar, DL5DBM on his Page.

6m AM Transceiver by JG1EAD

6m Sixbox AM transceiver by G3XBM
The Sixbox, an ultra-simple 6m QRP AM transceiver which I'd had in my mind for some time. The schematic is at the bottom of the page. This is a derivative of the Fredbox transceiver built many years ago.

6m SSB & CW QRP transceiver by S56AL
The concept of the 6m SSB & CW transceiver is similar to the 80m SSB & CW transceiver, described on this web site with some minor changes in AGC and audio PA. An additional RF preamplifier, which is not needed on 80m, has been added to get enough receiving sensitivity.

CB to 6 Metre Transverter by ZS2ACP
It recently became evident, with the tremendous meteor scatter propagation on 50Mhz, how many people were interested in 6 metres but could not join because they had only FM transcievers or no 6m equipment at all.

Homebrew 6m AM Transceiver by 7N3WVM
Homebrew 6m AM Transceiver. Freq. range 50.550 - 50.750 MHz.
This transceiver is under modification for a long time.

Homebrew 6m DSB Transceiver by 7N3WVM
Homebrew 6m DSB Transceiver. Freq. range 50.150 - 50.300 MHz.
This transceiver is to be re-designed in future.

Homebrew 6m SSB/CW Transceiver by 7N3WVM
Homebrew 6m SSB/CW Transceiver. Freq. range 50.000 - 50.270 MHz.

Un transceiver 50 Mhz de F6FEO
Le transceiver 50 Mhz décrit dans ces lignes est de conception modulaire, toutes les platines sont réunies entre-elles par des morceaux de cable coaxial miniature 50 ohms.

Creation date : 14/08/2007 @ 22:06
Last update : 07/08/2024 @ 22:50
Category : 6m Projects
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