"Homebrew" 435MHz 12-turn Helix Antenna by VE2ZAZ This 50-ohm impedance antenna, when fed with 25-100W of SSB RF at 435MHz, makes reaching Amateur satellites such as AO-40 and AO-10 a snap! http://ve2zaz.net/SatAnt/435Helix.htm |
10 El. "Homebrew" UHF Yagi for Satellites by SV1BSX The design of my Homebrew 10 El. UHF Yagi is based on DL6UW Yagi antenna's design-formula. In my page you will find several details of manufacture, additional infos, construction details, Polar plots, Gain tables etc, from "YagiMax" Antenna-design program. https://www.qsl.net/sv1bsx/10el-uhf/10el-uhf.html |
10 Element for 432 MHz (Winkler Antennen) by DF9CY For my return to 70cm Amateur Radio I have been looking around for a short light-weight yagi antenna, which could be rear mounted to the supporting mast. I came to Winkler Antennen who make and sell antennas for good price. https://www.df9cy.de/tech-mat/wi432-10/wi432-10.htm |
11 Element for 432 MHz by DF9CY This is a new own design for 2 * 11 element antennas for 432 MHz. It is derived from a design by Rainer Bertelsmeier DJ9BV (20 BVO). I cut it down to 11 elements and have a length of about 1.90m overall for the antenna. https://www.df9cy.de/tech-mat/cy432-11/cy432-11.htm |
2m/70cm Portable Tape Measure Beam by W6NBC Work the OSCAR ham satellites orgo transmitter hunting with this inexpensive portable dual band handheld tape measure Yagi. http://w6nbc.com/articles/2011-12QSTtapemeasure.pdf |
6 element UHF Yagi antenna by VE3RGW This is a standard 6 elements design scaled for UHF application. All material used in this project are easily obtainable tubes and rods which is limited within a total budget of $18. http://www.qsl.net/ve3rgw/antproj2/6euyagi.html |
6m/2m/70cm Yagi Antenna Built from Old TV Antenna by KGØZZ This turned out to be a great little antenna. It works the 6 meter, 2 meter and 70 centimeter bands. You can use one common feedpoint or two seperate feedpoints depending on how you would like to connect this antenna to your transceiver. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA519A15399EA5FEB |
70cm band Gray Hoverman antenna by LY3LP Material 4mm diameter. Feed it with 50 Ohm cable via 4:1 balun. http://sa555.blogspot.com/2013/10/70cm-band-gray-hoverman-antenna.html |
70cm Moxon Beam by G3XBM Do give 432MHz SSB a go sometime and if you think you have no suitable antenna then turn to your wife or girlfriend's wardrobe and search out an old coat hanger. https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/antennas/70cm-moxon |
70cm-Longyagis in 28Ohm-DK7ZB-Design by DK7ZB All Yagis in 28-Ohm-Technology, elements mounted with polyamid-clamps (Konni) or similar and 10, 8 or 6mm Diameter. Electrical details on the pages you see above, plots with "YO" from K6STI and "EZNEC +4" from W7EL. http://www.qsl.net/dk7zb/70cm-longyagi/details.htm |
70cm-Short-Yagis for 430-440MHz by DK7ZB Short Datas of the Yagis: 430-440MHz at SWR <1,8 (10 El. 430-438) , Boom 15x15mm or 20x20mm, Radiator 10mm, Elements 8mm or 6mm. http://www.qsl.net/dk7zb/70cm/70cm-kurz.htm |
9 Element for 432 MHz (DK7ZB Type) by DF9CY I have decided to build this antenna for two reasons: First I wanted to build an antenna of my own, which shall replace the 432 MHz stack of two times 10 Element. Second I want to get some experience in building antennas and check calculations done with the EZNEC+ program. https://www.df9cy.de/tech-mat/cy432-9/cy432-9.htm |
Cheap Yagi Antennas for VHF/UHF by WA5VJB These antennas are relatively small, easily constructed from common materials/tools and have surprising performance. The feed method is greatly simpified by directly soldering the coax to the driven element. http://www.iw5edi.com/ham-radio/?cheap-yagi-antennas-for-vhf-uhf,93 |
Corner reflector antenna by VE3RGW This design is a periodic plane spaced behind a radiating dipole. The critical factors are the corner angle and the spacing between dipole/vertex ( fold point of reflector ). http://www.qsl.net/ve3rgw/corner.html |
Dual Band Tape Measure Yagi Antenna by KM4LGM While I wait for my Arrow antenna to arrive, I thought I would experiment and build a dual band tape measure yagi since I already had most of the parts on hand. https://web.archive.org/web/20210127135105/http://www.km4lgm.com/2015/07/dual-band-tape-measure-yagi-antenna/ |
Hand held dualbander antenna by LY3LP RZ9CJ design, made by LY3LP. http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/10/hand-held-dualbander-antenna.html |
HB9RU/MTN-beam für VHF und UHF durch HB9MTN
Die 2 Meter-Version des HB9RU-Beams, ursprünglich nur für die Aufnahme der Richtdiagramme im Auftrag von HB9RU gebaut, zeigte so gute Resultate, dass spezielle Typen für VHF und UHF gebaut wurden. https://www.qsl.net/hb9mtn/hb9mtn-ru.html |
Lazy H 2m 70cm dualband satellite antenna by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2013/09/dual-band-lazy-h-antenna.html |
Moxon 2m ,70cm dualband antenna by LY3LP
http://sa555.blogspot.com/2013/08/baofeng-uv5-r-with-so50-satellite.html |
My Arrow-Style VHF/UHF Portable Satellite Antenna by VE2ZAZ One of the pleasure of working the amateur radio satellites is making contacts in a portable application and with QRP power. This requires a VHF/UHF handheld FM radio and a handheld 2-band antenna.
http://ve2zaz.net/Arrow_Ant/Arrow_Style_Ant.htm |
Portable UHF 4 elements Yagi Antenna by YO4HHP Although I’m not a big fan of V/UHF, going over DK7ZB’s website I was impressed by his numerous Yagi antenna design and their good efficiency, and also, myself, eager to do some mechanical construction, I decided to try building this four elements Yagi for 430-440Mhz, to use it this summer in portable operation, mounting hiking etc. https://yo4hhp.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/portable-uhf-4-elements-yagi-antenna/l |
The $4.00 Ham Radio Satellite Antenna by KGØZZ It's a dual band 2m/70 cm yagi antenna made with common materials and cost very little to make. Also, the antenna is fed with only one coaxial cable and does not use a duplexer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy_XwvMmIro |
The 440MHz Slingshot Antenna Project by N9YBP I needed an antenna with some directivity that I could point east. I saw the Slingshot antenna project on the Hamuniverse website and wondered if it could be cut down to 440 Mhz from 2 Meters. http://www.hamuniverse.com/440slingshot.html |
VHF/UHF X-Beam by KØEMT I sat down and drew out what I did and thought I'd pass on what I did/found out. The design is from The 1993 ARRL handbook that was given to me by wd0hbx. The x-beam was originally intended as an HF mono-band beam. I used the formulas to build it for 6m. It also happens to work out really well for 2m & 70cm use as well. https://www.dbbear.com/k0emt/projant/xbeam/index.html |