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23cm Projects - Transceivers
V1,3 GHz Transverter MK2 by DB6NT
The new version of the 23cm transverter is an improved circuit of the transverter described in 1991. By use of modern semiconductors and refinement concerning cooling and the easy replication of the circuit a further optimisation of the Transverter had been possible.

1,3 GHz Transverter durch DB6NT
Durch die Verwendung moderner Bauteile konnte ein 23 cm Transverter entwickelt werden, der trotz seiner kleinen mechanischen Abmessungen sehr gute technische Daten besitzt.

1,3 GHz Transverter MK2 - 28 MHz IF by DB6NT
The new version of the 23cm transverter is an improved circuit of the transverter described in 1991. By use of modern semiconductors and refinement concerning cooling and the easy replication of the circuit a further optimisation of the Transverter had been possible.

23cm datatransceiver by PE1JPD
To make packetradio more ‘fun’ I designed in 1998 this 23cm transceiver with which it is very simple to get QRV on 38.4 kbps up to about 150kbps.

23cm Data-transceiver (V3.0) by PE1JPD
This transceiver is designed for high-speed packetradio in the 23cm band using Frequency Shift Keying with baudrates from 9k6 up to 150 kbit/sec depending on the IF-bandwidth and modulationtype.

23cm NBFM transceiver by PE1JPD
The only drawback of getting QRV on 23cm is that only a few commercial transceivers are on the market. Therefore I decided to design a complete and easy to build FM transceiver.

Dual-Band Transceiver for 1.3GHz and 2.3GHz bands by YO3DAC/VA3IUL
This is a low-power dual-band transceiver dedicated for 1.3GHz and 2.3GHz amateur bands, working in SSB and CW modes. Covered frequencies are 1296MHz to 1298MHz and 2320MHz to 2322MHz.

Transverter for 23cm (1.3GHz - with 432MHz IF) by GM8OTI
This is a more complicated project so sections will be added as they are completed. I have left them more or less in their original form, so the story gradually unfolds.

Creation date : 04/09/2007 @ 22:10
Last update : 15/08/2024 @ 23:38
Category : 23cm Projects
Page read 37924 times

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