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13cm Projects - Transmitters

2.3GHz ATV TX by G6TVJ
Here is a design for a synthesised ATV transmitter covering the 13cm band and beyond up to about 2.6 GHz. This transmitter has been designed for optimum video performance and can achieve a broadcast quality signal ...

2400MHz Signal Source by G3DVV
This unit is an attempt to make the simplest possible signal source for 13cm without the usual grief of not finishing up on the right frequency. It has, of course, been constructed with Phase 3D in mind.

A 5W ATV transmitter for the 13cm band by PA4DAN
The transmitter consist of two components: a transmitter and an amplifier.
The amplifier creates 5W with 120mW of input power. I bought it from PE1CMO.

Low Power Multiband Beacon by YO3DAC/VA3IUL
Using only one crystal oscillator you can build a useful multiband low power beacon, for 144MHz, 432MHz, 1296MHz and 2305MHz. Using proper antennas this beacon can deserve a small neighborhood.

Creation date : 05/09/2007 @ 20:01
Last update : 16/08/2024 @ 19:26
Category : 13cm Projects
Page read 24267 times

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