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HF Propagation


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2m Projects - Loop Antennas

2 meters quad Antenna by IZ3AYQ
The antenna can be tuned for 145 or 144 MHz, and used in vertical polarization (as in this picture) or in orizontal polarization. How to tune it? Move the aluminium tube left or right. The tube is insulated from the quad by two small plastic insulators. It is an indoor antenna or antenna for restricted space.

Biquad for two meters and 440-MHZ by KE4UYP
This is a vertically polarized Broadside and Collinear Array each Loop is a vertically polarized Broadside Array both the right and the left side of the Loop is a bent 1/2 wave dipole working 180 degrees out of phase with the other one and that gives you 4.15dbi of gain.

Dualbandantenne voor minder dan een euro door PE1KQP
Een artikel in electron van PA0PEV over een 6 meter deltaloop antenne bracht mij op het idee om een deltaloop voor 2 meter en 70 cm te maken.

VHF Antenna in a Lunchbox - The Magnetic Loop on Two Metres by VK5BR
From time to time we have written about the small transmitting loop antenna, sometimes called the magnetic loop because its radiation is generated only from its magnetic fhttp://rfanat.ru/Loop_ant/VHFLoopAntenna.htmield (and not any electric field).

Creation date : 23/03/2008 @ 00:43
Last update : 14/08/2024 @ 18:15
Category : 2m Projects
Page read 54060 times

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