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3cm Projects - Transmitters

10 Ghz ATV transmitter by LY3LP

10 GHz Beacon by DB6NT
This 10 GHz beacon is like the 12 GHz LO which is described in DUBUS 4/1990. One can utilise this module as a radio beacon for the 10 GHz amateur band.

10 GHz Beacon or the1,2W 2,6GHz signal source. by LY3LP

10,4-10,5 GHz ATV mini Beacon by LY3LP

10,5 GHz CO (cavity oscillator) by LY3LP

10,5 GHz FET CO (cavity oscillator) by LY3LP

Another 10,5 GHz CO (cavity oscillator) by LY3LP

10GHz tx voor 10 piek door PA3GCO
Steeds vaker worden op radiomarkten afgedankte lnb's aangeboden. Een van de eerste types die in grote getalen is verkocht, is de Bluecap lnb. Hij is genoemd naar zijn opvallende blauwe kap ...

Build a 10 GHz upconverter from a downconverter by PA4DAN
LNB's without a build-in feedhorn are generally the oldest and easiest to rebuild. These old LNB's are only capable of receiving the lower band. The local oscilator works on 9.75 GHz. If you change the LO frequency to 9 GHz, the entire 3cm band will range from 1000 to 1500 MHz.

Creation date : 16/04/2009 @ 22:56
Last update : 17/08/2024 @ 07:34
Category : 3cm Projects
Page read 24678 times

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