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VHF Airband - Receivers

Aviation Band Receiver Schematic Diagram
shows a schematic diagram of the Aviation Receiver--a cool heterodyne AM (Amplitude Modulated) assemblage congenital about four IC's: an NE602 bifold counterbalanced mixer (U1), an MC1350 beeline IF amplifier (U2), an LM324 cloister op-amp (U3), and an LM386 audio amplifier (U4).

Non-Emissive Air-Band Receiver by VK2ZAY
The circuit is only superficially different to Charles Wenzel's original design. The major departure from Charles' implementation is the use of the main tank inductor as a loop antenna.

SuperRegen: AirCraft band receiver by BH1RBG
Two years ago, I built a KE3iJ's air craft super regenerative receiver. In this version my antenna use 1.2 meter folded to 60cm, Q1 use 2SC9018. Q2 use 9014.

Creation date : 07/02/2010 @ 13:17
Last update : 11/08/2024 @ 18:48
Category : VHF Airband
Page read 20362 times

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