ECC82 @ The National Valve Museum [Datasheet] This exhibit is the Mullard ECC82. Designed as audio and general purpose triodes, two independent valves exist in the envelope. A special quality version was also produced, the E88CC, and for differential amplifiers in industrial equipment the anti-microphonic and matched pair version E182CC was also made. |
Datasheet ECC82 Philips |
12AU7 (ECC82) Cathode Follower Tube Preamplifier Schematic This schematic below is a simple two stage line-level preamplifier using a single 12AU7 (ECC82) tube per channel. The overall voltage gain of the circuit is about 8. |
4S Universal Preamplifier for 12A*7 Tubes The basis for this tube preamplifier started out as a post in the Super simple single stage tube preamp thread on the website Forum. One of the members had suggested building a Super Simple Single Stage Preamp |
ECC802S (12AU7 / ECC82) Tube SRPP Preamp After designing and building a number of vacuum tube (valve) power amplifiers I decided to build a tube preamplifier. I did a lot of searching for the "right" design and really could not find one I liked. |
A 0V1 Tube Receiver by PA2OHH When I was a beginning radio amateur, I wanted already to make a 0V1 radio receiver with a tube. But it never came so far. When I told that to my colleague Alfred, he gave me a nice present, all kinds of parts to make a 0V1 tube receiver! |
Ricevitore per onde medie con ECC82 Il circuito č uno 0V1, cioč 0 valvole in amplificazione AF, 1 valvola rivelatrice ed una valvola amplificatrice di BF. In questo caso la valvola ECC82 č costituita da due triodi separati che assolvono ai compiti sopra riportati: il primo triodo lavora come rivelatore e amplificatore, il secondo triodo come amplificatore in bassa frequenza. |
Ricevitore VLF Valvolare by IWŘBZD Il circuito di seguito descritto č stato appositamente progettato per tale scopo. La sua caratteristica innovativa č proprio quella di poter funzionare con una unica tensione continua di 12 V e poter essere all’occorrenza alimentato con una piccola batteria NiCa o Pb di quelle utilizzate in genere per i flash professionali o antifurti. Il circuito, in queste condizioni, č in grado fornire, dato il suo esiguo assorbimento di corrente, molte ore di funzionamento. |