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20m Projects - SSB Transceivers

"Dual-Watch" 20m SSB Transceiver by YO3DAC/VA3IUL
ICOM introduced for the first time "Dual-Watch" architecture in IC-781 model. This is a very practical compromise which offers limited dual-receive capability. It eliminates the complexity and costs associated with a second IF chain and demodulator.

14MHz SSB 10mW Transceiver by JF1OZL
I wanted to QRV on 14MHz SSB mode. I have known that 14MHz can be used for domestic communication. They made Japanese domestic QSO about 14.18MHz

A “lean design” SSB-Transceiver for 14 MHz by DK7IH
The radio originally was designed as a study for my “Old School Transceiver“. After having not built a “real” analog VFO for a number of years I wanted to find out if I still can set up a construction that is really stable concerning frequency.

A compact handheld QRP SSB transceiver for 14 MHz by DK7IH
I have really been satisfied with my last QRP SSB rig. It performs very fine. But I wanted a transceiver still a little bit smaller. And it should be easier to set up the rig if you are outside to make quick QSOs.

An improved AGC control for the 14 MHz/20 Meter handheld QRP SSB transceiver by DK7IH
Ken, WA2MZE, commented on my article about the 20 Meter/14MHz QRP SSB handheld transceiver. He gave me some inpsiration to revise the AGC circuit.

A QRP SSB/CW Tranceiver for 14MHz by W7ZOI
Part 1: Exotic circuitry and hard-to-find components aren't necessary if you want to build excellent performance into a home-brew SSB/CW transceiver: Careful design is the key.

A QRP SSB/CW Tranceiver for 14MHz by W7ZOI
Part 2: This moth, W7ZOI rounds out his description of a 1- or 10-W SSB/CW rig with details on its transmitter, TR switching and optional speech processor.

Beta II - a 20m SSB transceiver by PS7PC
This transceiver is a new version of a rig published in AN-EP, a traditional brazilian Ham magazine of 1992, march / april issue by Carlão PS7PC.

HF TRX with PTO based VFO by VK2ZAY
While surfing around the 'net I came across WA6OTP's website. Now I've seen PTO based VFOs before, but his implementation is very simple and elegant. I just couldn't resist the urge to build one myself and try it out.

My Homemade 20m HF SSB Transceiver by OZ2CPU
Output power is now only 4mW, from the Re-used input RF amp that also works as a filter, to only amplify the wanted difference from the mixer, not the sum.

Taurus SSB transceiver by SP5DDJ
When Aquarius project became more popular many QRP-ers asked me if I could develop simple ( means duplicable) SSB version of low cost QRP transceiver.

QRP Transceiver for the 20-Meter-Band (SSB) by DK7IH
This is a very compact SSB transceiver for the 20-Meter Band. This band is still my favorite band for QRP operation. The objective of the design were to be compact in size, 5 watts PEP output, a single conversion superhet, DDS-VFO and SSB (phone) operation only.

The „Micro20 III“ – A Simplified Pocket Size SSB Transceiver for 14 MHz by DK7IH
After having built my first shirt-pocket transceiver about a year ago I occasionally thought of how this or a more or less modified design could be made simpler to save components and therefore limit space as well as reducing the complexity of the whole rig.

The Micro QRP Transceiver – A pocketful of radio in SMT by DK7IH
Recently I thought about how small a fully functionable ham radio could be. Or to say in other words: Should it be possible to build a QRP SSB transcevier that fits into a shirt pocket?

Un transverter 50/21 Mhz de F6FEO
Utilisé conjointement au transceiver 50 Mhz décrit dans ces pages, ce transverter redonnera vie à la station 6 M non utilisée . Cela concerne notamment les longues périodes durant laquelle la bande est déserte.

Creation date : 02/09/2013 @ 18:53
Last update : 05/08/2024 @ 18:51
Category : 20m Projects
Page read 37081 times

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