2009 ~ The 40M CW Transceiver by N6QW It all started with receiving my GQRP SPRAT late in September 2009. In that wonderful publication was a project to build a simple regenerative receiver. http://www.jessystems.com/40M_MMIC.html
2N2/40 - Original 2N2/40 CW Transceiver by K8IQY In the fall of 1997, the Northern California QRP Club (NorCal) sponsored a contest. The contest objective was to design and build a functional amateur radio transceiver, using a maximum of 22, 2N2222 type transistors. http://www.k8iqy.com/qrprigs/2n240/2n240page.html
2N2/40+ - A 40 Meter, Discrete Component CW Transceiver by K8IQY The original configuration of the 2N2/40+ incorporated essentially the same main circuitry as my original 2N2/40, but on a larger footprint, 5X7 inches instead of the original 4X5 inches. This change was made to encourage other builders to try building the design. http://www.k8iqy.com/qrprigs/2n240+/2n240+page.html
40 Meter Glowbug and Power Supply by KD6CC This is 40 Meter, 3 Tube Qrp Transceiver. It has a Regenerative receiver that uses a 3A4, and a two tube transmitter using two, 3S4's for approximately 2 watts output. http://www.qsl.net/kd6cc/glowbug/
40m Cristal Pixie by PY2OHH The famous Pixie is a little CW QRP, probabily the most popular in the Ham world. The schematics is easy to find over the internet, from brazilian to japaneses sites, in that way I find my first Pixie and a lot of mods. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/pixiecristal/pixieacristal.htm
49er Tupiniquim Transceiver by PY2OHH This project was born when talking with Carlos PY2CSU, we discussed about which transceiver type would be easy to build, with available parts and showing good results. After the 49er came this! https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/49er/transceptor49ertupiniquim.htm
7MHz CW transceiver by JF1OZL 7MHz is best band in order to make domestic QSO. But 7MHz ssb is too crowded to make QSO with QRP. Therefore 7MHz CW is best way to make domestic QSO. I will show you my handmade 7MHz CW QRP trx. https://www.qrp-ja.net/jf1ozl/7mcw.html
7MHz QRP Transceiver by DL5NEG This was one of my very first transceiver developments. This page was also one of the very first circuit descriptions that I put on the internet quite some years ago. http://www.herbert-dingfelder.de/?page_id=192
PLL tuner for 7MHz QRP Transceiver by DL5NEG I had developed the 7 MHz CW TRX for my first trip to the US. The receiver worked very well. (Actually a lot better than here in Europe since they do not have high power broadcast stations on 7.1 MHz). http://www.herbert-dingfelder.de/?page_id=259
A 40 meters CW QRP transceiver by IK3OIL This project describes a little QRP transceiver “full legal power” (5W at 12V) for the 40 meters band. The RIG may be built in a gradual manner, in fact it is divided in two main modules, ... https://digilander.libero.it/ik3oil/_private/Rtx_40_eng.pdf
An optimized QRP Transceiver for 7MHz by W7EL Here is a rig that provides real challenge for the QRP home builder. Nonetheless, this is a classic circuit and a favorite in the QRP community. http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/tis/info/pdf/93hb3037.pdf
CAIAPÓ - 40m CW Transceiver 1W with 74HC4066 IC by PY2OHH Following the experimentation with the 74HC4066 chip we decided to build a transceiver based in the receiver described here in this page. Once more we look up the articles of our friend and namesake PA2OHH Onno, and we observed that it will not be so difficult... https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/caiapo/caiapo.htm
CAPYAU 1 - Novo TRX 40m CW com mixer a diodos por PY2OHH Mais um projeto de transceptor para 40m ? Não simplesmente um projeto, mas a reunião de muita coisa que aprendemos com nossas experiências. As principais novidades : No receptor O uso de pré-amplificador de RF, de um mixer a diodos balanceado (não duplamente) e um controle de ganho para o amplificador de áudio, trazem como resultado um excelente desempenho, podendo ser ouvidas estações de DX e o não saturamento do mixer com sinais fortes. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/capyau1/capyau1.htm
CAPYAU 2 - Novo TRX 40m CW mixer TA7358 por PY2OHH Mais um projeto de transceptor para 40m ? Não simplesmente um projeto, mas a reunião de muita coisa que aprendemos com nossas experiências, agora na versão 2 As principais novidades : No receptor O uso de pré-amplificador de RF separado, de um mixer a TA7358 e um controle de ganho para o amplificador de áudio, trazem como resultado um excelente desempenho, melhorando a recepção das estações de DX sem o saturamento do mixer com sinais fortes. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/capyau2/capyau2.htm
CURUMIM - The world smallest 40m CW transceiver by PY2OHH After the success of the CANARINHO and the CURRUIRA we decide to made a transceiver with the minimum number of discrete components. This is the CURUMIM. There are only 12 components! We assembly in two modules, we try some different audio circuits. But the audio amplifier using the LM386 was the best. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/curumim/curumim.htm
Forty - Oner by SP5DDJ This name and part of schematic are taken from 49'er where 40 represents the band, and 9 is 9V battery to supply the rig. http://www.qsl.net/sp5ddj/forty-oner.htm
GOITACAS - 40m 5W transceiver with 74HC4066 by PY2OHH In the last project with the 74HC4066, it it was acting as to mixer, buffer, oscillator VXO and driver in the Tx. In order to increase the power, I decide to substitute the VXO who uses na analogic gate of the 74HC4066, for a VXO using a BJT transistor. Now the two remaining analogics gates are in parallel circuit. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/goitacas/goitacas.htm
Homebrew 40m CW Transceiver by 7N3WVM Homebrew 40m CW Transceiver. Frequency range 7.000-7.030 MHz. RX part: Superheterodyne with RIT and side tone. TX part: Output power 3 Watts with 7.5 Volts 1.0 Amps. http://www.qsl.net/7n3wvm/xcvr-40m.html
JABAQUARA - A 40m Transceiver by PY2OHH The idea for the JABAQUARA was born in the Yahoo list QRP-BR, where folks always spoke very well from the SW-40, then we resolved to take the enterprise of "tropicalize" the SW-40. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/jabaquara/jabaquara.htm
JABURU -40m CW TRX using a DC PHASE RX (LSB) by PY2OHH A transceiver with a DC phase receiver.
I was surfing the WEB searching interesting things and I find a article of my friend Onno PA2OHH. We decide to copy the idea and thus the JABURU was born. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/jaburu/jaburu.htm
JURITY - 40m CW superhet transceiver by PY2OHH Sometime back I was visited by PY2CQM ... As he gave an american book about RF as a gift, I asked him how could I repay for it... and this way I was without my super heterodyne transceiver for 40m and the JURITY project was born. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/jurity/jurity2.htm
LACRAIA - A different 40m CW Transceiver by PY2OHH We show here the "LACRAIA", a transceiver based in the 74HC240, an 8 gates inverter buffer IC. This transceiver was born from the experiments done using high speed digital ICs in radio frequency applications. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/lacraia/lacraia.htm
New 40 meter QRPp Radio by WA6OTP This is the new Transmitter/Receiver rig for backpacking. It is 3 inches square. It is the same radio as the 80 meter rig. The PTO tunes 150 kc of the band. With one turn it tunes 12 kc. http://www.wa6otp.com/40.htm
Pixie III by ND6T Up for a challenge? How about building a real minimalist station from scratch and then seeing how many stations you can talk to? I'm going to describe one of the simplest transceivers ever built. http://www.nd6t.com/qrp/Pixie%20III.htm
PT40 - 40 Meter Transceiver by AA3SJ This was my first attempt at putting together a few "pet" circuits to make a transceiver. Special thanks to Mike, W3TS, and to Wes, W7ZOI, for helpful and much appreciated elmering. http://www.qsl.net/aa3sj/Pages/H-40.html
SACI 1 - Transceptor Simples De CW by PY2OHH O transmissor é o "SOVINA" um TX classe E com alta eficiencia, descrito anteriormente. Já o receptor tem uma novidade : o mixer é o transistor PA sem alimentação de Vcc, o resultado é um otimo receptor, considerando a simplicidade. https://www.qsl.net/py2ohh/trx/saci/saci.html
The simple 7MHz CW transceiver made with Motrola MC3362P by JG1EAD I made a 7MHz CW transceiver by using the IC for the narrow band FM double super receiving circuit, MC3362P. I intended to make a transceiver for 10MHz band in the beginning. But, I was worried by the neighboring spurious signal which wasn't expected, and I changed the plan. http://www.cqham.ru/projects/7mhz_trx/e_mc3362.htm
Transceiver ultra-simple sur 40m de F6FEO Voici la description d'un transceiver ultra-simple pour le décamétrique. La version décrite ci-après est monobande, mais rien n'empêche de la réaliser multibande. http://f6feo.homebuilder.free.fr/transceiver_ultrasimple_40m.html
Un transceiver CW 40m QRP 1 Watt de F6GLZ Ce petit transceiver CW, 40m , 1 Watt a été décrit dans QST de Novembre 1994 par Dave Benson, NN1G et republié dans « QRP Power » aux éditions ARRL. https://f6glz.wordpress.com/projets-en-cours/un-transceiver-cw-40m-qrp-1-watt/