2m/70cm Fietspomp Antenna Voor Binnenshuis door PAØFRI De werking van een fietspompantenne is te vergelijken met dat van een ZEPP antenne. Het kan beschouwd worden als een hele golf (1λ) dipool waarvan de helft (= ½λ) opgevouwen is. https://pa0fri.home.xs4all.nl/Ant/Indoor%202m-70cm%20sleeve%20ant/Binnenshuis%20fietspompantenne%202m-70cm.htm
2m/70cm Gentleman's Walking Stick by W6NBC & W6ND Walk about freely with this pedestrian-portable antenna. Use it for
better coverage at a parade, a bike-a-thon or just on a stroll.
Alternately, hang it in a tree or mount it permanently. Its utility will
impress you. It is also an ideal low-cost ham radio club project. http://w6nbc.com/articles/2013-1QSTwalkingstick.pdf
3-band whip antenna 144MHz, 430MHz & 50MHz by JA1HWO http://mk1502.web.fc2.com/ahv6/3bwhip.htm
435MHz 1/4λ ground plane tower mounted antenna by VK6YSF With the view of doing satellite operations with a simple non-steerable antenna a number of antenna designs are being reviewed and many of them will be revisited in search for the optimum simple satellite ground station configuration. http://vk6ysf.com/435MHz_Ground_Plane_Antenna.htm
70 Cm J Antenne door PE1KQP Tijdens de kerstdagen heb ik een J antenne voor de 70 cm band gemaakt van 1.5mm koperdraad om de antennespanningsmeter uit te proberen. Ik had nog een exemplaar liggen van 10mm diameter aluminiumpijp. Die ik als referentie gebruikte. http://pa0ebc.nl/pe1kqp/index3576.html?page=70-cm-j-antenne
70cm bicycle antenna by PA3HCM During the summer season I sometimes travel to work by bike. I thought it would be nice to chat with some local radio amateurs on my way back home. http://www.pa3hcm.nl/?p=819
70cm Ground Plane Antenna by DL1GSJ This little aerial was intended to make it easier for me to connect to the local packet-radio digipeater and to work the various phone and multimedia repeaters. Again the design was choosen as portable as possible. https://www.qsl.net/dl1gsj/html/gp70.html
A Simple 2 m/70 cm Vertical Dipole Antenna by KGØZZ This easy to build dual band VHF/UHF antenna makes a great project for the new ham that is ready to get on the 2 meter and 70 centimeter amateur radio bands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcO5WAiksNI
An Easy Dual-Band VHF/UHF Antenna by KD6GLF Why settle for the performance your rubber duck antenna offers? Build this portable J-pole and boost your signal for next to nothing! http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/tis/info/pdf/9409061.pdf
Build A 9 dB, 70cm, Collinear Antenna From Coax by N1HFX Recently the RASON technical committee was repairing our 2 meter repeater antenna. One of the members commented to me that I should write an article about collinear arrays so that we could all build our own. https://www.portstephensarc.org/index_htm_files/N1HFX%20Coaxial%20Colinear%2070cm%209dB%20Gain%20Antenna.pdf
Home Brew dual band antenna by VE3RGW Generally speaking, this is a dual band design focused with better performance on UHF. It can satisfy needs on most situation. http://www.qsl.net/ve3rgw/uvant.html
Homebrew Coaxial Dipole for VHF or UHF by W6NBC Here’s a base station antenna you can easily build for 146, 220 or 440 MHz. Performance is equal to
a J-pole, but it’s smaller, less obtrusive and more
weatherproof. http://w6nbc.com/articles/2009-07QSTcoaxialdipole.pdf
J-POLE for VHF/UHF by ON6MU VHF/UHF J-Pole Vertical Antenna https://www.qsl.net/on6mu/schemas//jpole.gif
Quarter Wave Antenna by ON6MU Quarter wave vertical antenna's for 2-Meterband, 70cm... https://www.qsl.net/on6mu/schemas//kwartgolf.gif
The DBJ-1: A VHF-UHF Dual-Band J-Pole by WB6IQN Searching for an inexpensive, high-performance dual-band base antenna for VHF and UHF? Build a simple antenna that uses a single feed line for less than $10. http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/tis/info/pdf/0302038.pdf
The simplest dual band antenna for 145 and 431 MHz by IZ3AYQ http://iz3ayq.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-simplest-dual-band-antenna-for-145.html