VLF Projekten
136 kHz Projekten
472 kHz Projekten
500 kHz Projekten
Multiband HF Projekten
160m Projekten
80m Projekten
60m Projekten
40m Projekten
30m Projekten
20m Projekten
17m Projekten
15m Projekten
12m Projekten
10m Projekten
6m Projekten
4m Projekten
VHF Luchtvaart
2m Projekten
70cm Projekten
23cm Projekten
13cm Projekten
9cm Projekten
6cm Projekten
3cm Projekten
1,25cm Projekten
EHF Projekten
Shack Accessoires
µController Arduino
Transistors 2N-Serie
Transistors BC-Serie
Transistors BD-Serie
Transistors BF-Serie
IC 74XX-Serie
IC 74LSXX-Serie
IC 74SXX-Serie
IC LM-Serie
IC TDA-Serie
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AD9850 DDS VFO by AD7CThe AD9850 is a chip that can produce a sinusoidal wave from about 1hz to 40mhz.To control the AD9850 you’ll need some sort of micro-controller.http://www.ad7c.com/projects/ad9850-dds-vfo/
An Arduino Controlled GPS Corrected VFO by W3PM/GM4YREA VFO that provides 1 to 112.5 MHz signals on two independent outputs. Use it as a stand alone unit or with a GPS receiver to improve frequency accuracy. UTC and six digit grid square locations are also displayed in the GPS Mode.http://www.arrl.org/files/file/QEX_Next_Issue/2015/Jul-Aug_2015/Marcus.pdf
Arduino DDS Shield by MØXPDThis being my first ever experience of a Wotduino shield (much less an Arduino shield) I was interested to get some pukka "stackable headers" to allow the new shield to ride shotgun atop the Wotduino...http://m0xpd.blogspot.com/2013/02/arduino-dds-shield.html
Arduino QRP Transceiver by MØXPDMeet my new rig - a QRP CW Transceiver for the lower HF bands, built around the Arduino "open-source electronics prototyping platform".http://m0xpd.blogspot.com/2013/03/arduino-qrp-transceiver.html
Creatie datum : 13/09/2018 @ 23:56 Laatste wijziging : 24/08/2024 @ 10:25 Categorie : µController Arduino Pagina gelezen 10524 keren
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