Easy build CW decoder based on DSP Goertzel code by OZ1JHM If you want to build a cw decoder without using other active components than an atmel 328 - Arduino UNO , then this is sure something for you. http://oz1jhm.dk/content/very-simpel-cw-decoder-easy-build |
ICOM Auto Keyer by ON7EQ Most ICOM transceivers have a voice / message memory on board, able to 'play' 1 ... 4 pre defined messages - very handy to run contests or pile-ups! https://www.qsl.net/on7eq/projects/arduino_icom_keyer.htm |
Morse keyer by PA3HCM The Arduino prototyping board allows you to build the most advanced and personalized keyer that you have in mind! This article gives you a decent start for such a keyer, by implementing the basic functionality and learn a bit about the Arduino platform if you’re not familiar with this board yet. http://www.pa3hcm.nl/?p=1010 |
The K3NG Keyer by OZ1JHM In the good old days there was a danish keyer called the SQUEEZE KEY. It was almost like yambic B keying but only with one DIT memory. The operators in the Navy and in the army used them, and from one of them, Per OV2V, i learn about this keyer. http://oz1jhm.dk/content/k3ng-keyer |
The TinyKeyer by OK1RR This keyer, based on Arduino design, employs the famous K3NG code. It can be used with any Windows/Linux/Mac logging or contesting software with Winkeyer USB (K1EL) support. https://www.ok1rr.com/tinykeyer/tinykeyer.pdf |
Zelfbouw CW decoder met LM567 en Arduino door PI4UTR Deze CW Decoder is een relatief simpel project voor de beginnende zelfbouwer. Je past in één keer analoge techniek, digitale techniek en software toe door het gebruik van een Arduino. https://a08.veron.nl/zelfbouw/accessoires/cw-decoder/ |
Zelfbouwproject CW Decoder door PI4KGL Dit ontwerp is afkomstig van WB3FHC, die ook de software heeft geschreven. In Electron van april en november 2015 wordt in de rubriek NL-post deze morse decoder beschreven. https://www.pi4kgl.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/MORSE-ZELFBOUWPROJECT.pdf |