40M Travel Dipole (QRP) by ZS6KMD http://www.zs6kmd.za.net/old/pdf/ZS6KMD_Q-Dipole.pdf
A Shortened 7MHz Dipole by GM4JMU The shortened dipole for 7 mHz was described by Ken GM4JMU in Sprat 74. It is made from insulated wire. The coils are wound on 40mm ferrite as above, with 40 turns of the same wire on 1.5 ins PVC tube. http://www.zerobeat.net/g3ycc/dip2.htm
Coil-loaded 40/80 Meter Inverted V Dipole Antenna by KGØZZ This 40 and 80 meter inverted V antenna is made with loading coils. It is a full size antenna on 40 meters and a shortened 80 meter antenna. The antenna is resonate on both bands and does not require an antenna tuner. http://www.electronicsandbooks.com/edt/manual/Articles/Antennas%20Homemade/Coil-loaded_40-80_meter_inverted_V_dipole_antenna.pdf
Dipolo Rotativo per 30/40 Mt da IK4DCS Dopo aver fatto la verticale per 30/40 mt,e considerandone l'ottimo funzionamento, ho voluto riprendere il discorso del dipolo direttivo, già visto all'inizio di questa autocostruzione. http://digilander.libero.it/ik4dcs/dipolo3040.html
Goedkoop op 40/20 (en 10 meter met tuner) zelfbouwdraadantenne door PA3HMP Al meer dan 5 jaar geleden heb ik al eens een paar goedkope traps gemaakt en er een klein stukje over op mijn website gezet, met de ontwikkelingen dat de Novice amateurs (binnenkort) op HF mogen leek het me eens een leuk idee om het netjes uit te werken. http://www.pa3hmp.nl/draadant.htm
Goedkoop op 80/40 (en 20/10 meter met tuner) zelfbouwdraadantenne door PA3HMP Vanwege de vele positieve recties heb ik maar wat haast achter het tweede artikel gezet, dit ter meer omdat je beide draadantennes kan combineren en je dus een draadantenne kan maken met in iedere poot twee traps, ... http://www.pa3hmp.nl/draadant-2.htm
Inverted-U Dipole for 80/40 mtrs by N4SPP I have tried a number of dipoles for the 80 mtr band on my terrace. Given the size of my terrace, a full-size dipole basically out of the question. For the same reason, installation at a decent height ( > 0.2 λ) is also impossible. https://www.nonstopsystems.com/radio/frank_radio_antenna_bent_dipole.htm
Shorten Dipole
for 10 & 40m. Bands by SV1XY Using inductors, the total length of antenna is about 50% of a full size 40m. Band Dipole. The internal part of antenna (2 "A" sections) is a full dipole for 10m Band. https://www.qsl.net/sv1bsx/dipole_sh/dipole_sh.html
The 40/80/160 Meter Coil-loaded Inverted V Dipole Antenna by KGØZZ This coil-loaded inverted V dipole antenna is a resonate antenna that does not require the use of an antenna tuner. It will work all of the 40 meter band plus a portion of the 80 and 160 meter bands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLhNUmolKKY
The SHORTYFORTY compact dipole for 40m band by ON7EQ This antenna is quite critical, so it is important to construct is with utmost care, especially regarding symmetry ! In general, what 'looks nice' will work very well ! https://www.qsl.net/on7eq/projects/shortyforty.htm
Trap dipole for 40 and 80 meter by PA1EJO A dipole is resonant on one frequency (and all odd harmonics), with a trap you can design it for more frequencies. Here is the trap dipole for 40 and 80m. https://pa1ejo.wordpress.com/2019/09/16/trap-dipole-for-40-and-80-meter/
Wire Dipole for 7.05 MHz by DF9CY For my new antenna system I wanted to have a monoband dipole for the 40m band, which I prefer most of the lower amateur radio band. https://www.df9cy.de/tech-mat/cy40mdip/cy40mdipole.htm