2 El. Yagi for 24MHz, with linear charge by IK4DCS This English web page is still under construction. The drawing (in Italian) is already available. http://digilander.libero.it/ik4dcs/yagi24eng.html
24 / 28MHz mobile mini whip by JA1HWO This "Mini Mobile Antenna" was also started from 144,430MHz, 50MHz and advanced this time. It is gradually improving while gaining know-how. http://mk1502.web.fc2.com/ahf1/248ishp.htm
3 + 3 El. Yagi for 12/17 Mt by IK4DCS This English web page is still under construction. The measures and drawing are already available. http://digilander.libero.it/ik4dcs/yagieng.html
Build a 12/17 Meter Trap Dipole by AD5X Why a 12/17 meter rotatable dipole? Well, many folks have verticals for the lower bands, and multi-band dipoles or beams for 20-, 15-, and 10 meters. But often you don’t have an antenna for the 17- and 12-meter bands. https://www.i1wqrlinkradio.com/archive/trap-dipole-12-17-meter.pdf
Rotary Dipole for 12/17 Mt by IK4DCS After all the experiments on the WARC bands self-made antennas I had just to try with a coax-cable-trapped rotating dipole. http://digilander.libero.it/ik4dcs/dip1217_eng.htm
Use a 28MHz antenna at 24.9MHz by JA1HWO The quarter wavelength of the 12m band is 3m, so if you use a 10m band antenna, just add 0.5m (3-2.5). Even if the antenna is already shortened and the length is not 2.5m, the idea is the same. http://mk1502.web.fc2.com/ahf1/24_pa.htm