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2m Projekten - Richtantenne's

144MHz 2m Portable Yagi VHF Beam Antenna by MØUKD
This page contains construction details on a 2 metre 144MHz VHF Yagi beam antenna, designed for portable use.

144MHz 9 Element (DK7ZB) by DF9CY
Around Christmas 2003 I decided to give 2m (144 MHz) another "kick". I have looked to the GT tables provided by Lionel Edwards VE7BQH and found the DK7ZB 9 ele to be a good antenna for my purpose.

144MHz Longyagis (28-Ohm) by DK7ZB
High gain, good pattern and acceptable bandwidth. These aims can be realized with a radiation-resistance of 25-35Ohms. Because the 28-Ohm-feedpoint is very simple to match, I use this impedance for my long Yagis.

2 Meter Backpack Quad Antenna by KGØZZ
A ham radio 2 meter cubical quad backpack antenna for portable or fixed use.

2m Backpack Quad Antenna Follow Up by KGØZZ
A follow up video for the 2m Backpack Quad Antenna.

2 Meter Moxon by PA1EJO
After the most recent fox hunt I thought that a smaller antenna would be helpful, so I went for the moxon for 2 meter, material used: 32 mm PVC tube etc, coax cable, glue, tie wraps, 4 mm brass bar...

2 Meter Quad PVC Pipe Antenna by KGØZZ
This is a different way of using PVC pipe to build a 2 meter cubical quad antenna. Instead of an "X" style spreader this antenna uses an "H" shape spreader.

2 Meter Yagi Antenna with Gamma Match (Part 1/2) by KGØZZ
How to build a 2 meter yagi antenna with a gamma match. Simple and easy to make using parts from an old TV antenna.

2 Meter Yagi Antenna with Gamma Match (Part 2/2) by KGØZZ
How to build a 2 meter yagi antenna with a gamma match. Simple and easy to make using parts from an old TV antenna.

2m/70cm Portable Tape Measure Beam by W6NBC
Work the OSCAR ham satellites orgo transmitter hunting with this inexpensive portable dual band handheld tape measure Yagi.

2m-SSB/CW-12.5-Ohm-Yagis with extrem high gain and small bandwidth by DK7ZB
For Yagis with a boom of >=1,5 lambda you should prefer 28-Ohm-Yagis, they have only 0,05dB less than the 12,5-Ohm-types with the same length, but have more bandwith and are less critical.

2m-Yagis with the 28-Ohm-DK7ZB-Match by DK7ZB
Short means, that these Yagis have not the length for EME-groups... All Yagis have a stretched dipole (the lengths in the tables are from tip-to tip), for the details see 'The DK7ZB-Match for Yagis'.

3 Elements VHF Yagi antenna by SV1BSX
The antenna is being constructed by using 15 x 15 mm aluminium boom and I have used for the elements tubular aluminium rods of 8 mm diameter. If the elements are placed directly to the boom.

3-el Yagi for 2m band by OH1TV
This antenna is good for portable use.
It can also be used to extend the range of hand held radios.
For a new ham this can be an introduction to Yagi antennas.

5-, 7-, 9- and 11-el Yagi for 2m band by OH1TV
• SWR is broadband and low, less than 1.1 over the whole 144-146MHz band
• Modeling is made with Eznec Pro/4 v.5.0

6 Elements VHF Yagi antenna by SV1BSX
The maximum forward GAIN is almost 11.9 DBi (abt 9.8 DBd) into 2 m. Band. With almost 10 DBd gain, we have an Effective Radiation Power (ERP) 10 times greater of the tranceiver maximum output (without Coaxial-Loss).

6m/2m/70cm Yagi Antenna Built from Old TV Antenna by KGØZZ
This turned out to be a great little antenna. It works the 6 meter, 2 meter and 70 centimeter bands. You can use one common feedpoint or two seperate feedpoints depending on how you would like to connect this antenna to your transceiver.

7 dB for 7 Bucks by WBØCMT
Need a 2-meter beam antenna, but you're short on cash?
You can build this antenna for the cost of a fast-food meal!

7 Element VHF High Gainer by VU3NSH
This antenna contains 7 elements, perfect for the 11db gain with a front-to-back ratio of 20-25 dB. You should need a matching network for this Yagi. I chosed a “gamma match” made from a piece of 3/8" aluminium tubing 7.25" long with a piece of RG-8 coax 7" long.

A portable 2-element VHF Yagi by K3MT
Here's a simple Saturday project: build a portable VHF yagi antenna for 2 meters. All you need is two rabbit ear antennas from Radio Shack, two CATV baluns, four feet of 3/4" CPVC pipe with one tee, and a bit of time.

A Portable Quad for 2 Meters by WA9GDZ/6
Backpacking, boating or mountaintopping? invest an afternoon's work and pack this novel directional gain antenna on your next expedition.

An 8x2 Element Array Antenna for 144MHz by DF3LP
Optimized 6/9 element VHF Yagi Antenna.

Antenna insulators for DK7ZB antenna builders by 9A4QV
This antenna insulators or holders idea is mainly dedicated to all Hams building DK7ZB style designed yagis. Known design include Wimo plastic insulators for 15mm or 20mm boom.

Cheap and simple VHF-/UHF-Yagis by DK7ZB
These Yagis are constructed with cheap leightweight materials for electric installations and you can mount and dismantle them without any tools. The boom is made of PVC-tubes ..., the element holders are the clamps ...

Cheap Yagi Antennas for VHF/UHF by WA5VJB
These antennas are relatively small, easily constructed from common materials/tools and have surprising performance. The feed method is greatly simpified by directly soldering the coax to the driven element.

DK7ZB yagi for 144MHz by PA3HCM
After the somewhat disapointing results of the DJ9BV antenna, I decided to try another model. This time I selected a 9 element DK7ZB for my test. I already bought some square alu bars, each 250cm tall. Since the 9 element DK7ZB is 5 meters tall, this should fit perfectly.

Dual Band Tape Measure Yagi Antenna by KM4LGM
While I wait for my Arrow antenna to arrive, I thought I would experiment and build a dual band tape measure yagi since I already had most of the parts on hand.

Hand held 145 Mc dipol by LY3LP
No problem QSO 50km

Hand held dualbander antenna by LY3LP
RZ9CJ design, made by LY3LP.

HB9CV Antenne door PA1JRN
De HB9CV antenne is al duizenden keren nagebouwd, maar deze versie is zeer goedkoop, makkelijk te bouwen en niet te slopen. Daarnaast zijn alle materialen eenvoudig verkrijgbaar via de bouwmarkt.

HB9RU/MTN-beam für VHF und UHF durch HB9MTN
Die 2 Meter-Version des HB9RU-Beams, ursprünglich nur für die Aufnahme der Richtdiagramme im Auftrag von HB9RU gebaut, zeigte so gute Resultate, dass spezielle Typen für VHF und UHF gebaut wurden.

Hentenna - An ADR Antenna by VU3NSH
In Japan, the word HEN means 'interesting, unusual, strange' etc. Ofcourse, it is a strange antenna and it is an Asymmetrical Double Rectangle (ADR) Loop Antenna.

Lazy H 2m 70cm dualband satellite antenna by LY3LP

Moxon 2m ,70cm dualband antenna by LY3LP

Moxon hand held 145 MHz antenna by LY3LP
Moxon hand held type antenna made from 3mm wire with 3,9 dBd is mechanikaly stable, 30cm shorter than two element dual band antenna. It is posibile to connect it to radio via BNC.

My Arrow-Style VHF/UHF Portable Satellite Antenna by VE2ZAZ
One of the pleasure of working the amateur radio satellites is making contacts in a portable application and with QRP power. This requires a VHF/UHF handheld FM radio and a handheld 2-band antenna.

NSH 4 x 4 Boomer by VU3NSH
t is a high gain simple beam antenna for 2 meter frequency. It is just a 4 element on 4 feet boom with a gain of 8 dB and having a low SWR of 1.2 : 1 on the operating frequency 144 to 146 MHz.

Quad 5 el. 144MHz by IK4DCS
The space that the roof let go, after mounting the trestle and my deltaloop triband, it was not so much and borders on the roof with the nearby .... too close!

Quadra Cúbica de 4 Elementos para VHF par PU1LHP
É exelente para comunicação, inclusive DIGITAL, devido a quase não captar ruídos.
O número de 4 elementos para este tipo de antena é o ideal pois não exige muita precisão no direcionamento.

The $4.00 Ham Radio Satellite Antenna by KGØZZ
An easy hand-held dual band 2 m/70 cm yagi satellite antenna for working the SO-50 and other FM amateur radio satellites

The G8OSN DF Antenna by G8OSN
Newcomers to DF Hunts usually lack a basic antenna to participate so the G8OSN DF antenna was specially designed to be a good first antenna for those who have yet to try their hand at a DF hunt.

The Tiny 2 by W4SAT
The "Tiny 2" is a great little 2 meter beam. It has some really interesting properties and it is a fantastic first time antenna project for the beginner.

The Tiny 2+1 by W4SAT
As in the case of the 'Tiny 2', the front-to-back was sacrificed in order to squeeze as much gain as possible from the antenna.

URØGT VHF Cardoid antenna by VU3NSH
This unusual antenna is having only two things; One is a rectangle loop and the other is a reflector. It will produce a CARDOID pattern (heart shaped). Two ground plane array with a proper phasing will produce the same pattern but it needs a phase difference of feedline.

VHF DF Antenna by SMØVPO
Here is a VERY narrow nulling VHF Direction Finding (DF) antenna that can be folded up in the back of the car, then you can leap out, assemble it and take a 'fix' in something like 10 seconds.

VHF Test Antenna by SMØVPO
This project was devised some years ago due to the need for 16 identical VHF antennas used for a CADF (Commutated Antenna Direction Finding) system for the 2-meter band.

The x-beam was originally intended as an HF mono-band beam. I used the formulas to build it for 6m. It also happens to work out really well for 2m & 70cm use as well.

Creatie datum : 23/03/2008 @ 00:27
Laatste wijziging : 14/08/2024 @ 17:56
Categorie : 2m Projekten
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