VLF Projekten
136 kHz Projekten
472 kHz Projekten
500 kHz Projekten
Multiband HF Projekten
160m Projekten
80m Projekten
60m Projekten
40m Projekten
30m Projekten
20m Projekten
17m Projekten
15m Projekten
12m Projekten
10m Projekten
6m Projekten
4m Projekten
VHF Luchtvaart
2m Projekten
70cm Projekten
23cm Projekten
13cm Projekten
9cm Projekten
6cm Projekten
3cm Projekten
1,25cm Projekten
EHF Projekten
Shack Accessoires
µController Arduino
Transistors 2N-Serie
Transistors BC-Serie
Transistors BD-Serie
Transistors BF-Serie
IC 74XX-Serie
IC 74LSXX-Serie
IC 74SXX-Serie
IC LM-Serie
IC TDA-Serie
Bezoekers online
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Datasheet BD135 Philipshttp://www.datasheetcatalog.org/datasheet/philips/BD139-16.pdf
Class-A Headphone AmplifierThis circuit is derived from the Portable Headphone Amplifier featuring an NPN/PNP compound pair emitter follower output stage.http://circuits-projects.blogspot.com/2016/06/class-headphone-amplifier.html
Low Cost Universal Battery ChargerHere is the circuit diagram of a low cost universal charger for NiCD - NiMH batteries. This circuit is Ideal for car use. It has ability to transform a mains adapter in to a charger.http://circuits-projects.blogspot.nl/2012/10/low-cost-universal-battery-charger.html
Small uninterruptible power supply-UPS circuitThis small emergency backup battery systems circuit can be applied to many applications, when the power goes, the battery can provide backup power automatically.http://www.eleccircuit.com/small-uninterruptible-power-supply-ups-circuit/
Creatie datum : 30/12/2012 @ 00:06 Laatste wijziging : 09/09/2018 @ 23:41 Categorie : Transistors BD-Serie Pagina gelezen 18361 keren
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