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40m Projekten - SSB Zendontvangers

<2N2222 40 Meter CW/DSB Transceiver by N5ESE
In spring of 1998, NorCal sponsored a contest to design and build a project using no ICs and 22 or fewer 2N2222s as the active semiconductor devices. I thought this was a really intriguing idea, so I set about to design my version.

40m SSB Transceiver door OE7LFJ
Hieronder volgt één van mijn grotere projecten die ik uitgevoerd heb. Het betreft hier een 40 meterband SSB zend-ontvanger (tranceiver) Van 7.050 tot 7.140 Mhz.

40m SSB Transceiver modificaties door OE7LFJ
De ombouw van mijn 40 meterband transceiver van een analoog VFO naas DDS.

7MHz SSB Transceiver by VU3PRX
The transceiver described here is remarkably simple based on popular communication building block MC1496. It is fairly simple to build because most of the functions are performed by MC1496.

A 40 meter SSB QRP transceiver by XQ2FOD
In the ages old Q-code formerly used in telegraphy communication, "QRP" meant "please reduce power", or, if followed by a question mark, "should I reduce power?" Well, Morse code is slowly dying out, ...

A Simple and Low Cost FT8 Transceiver by K4SWL
Adam Rong BD6CR has designed a simple DSB Transceiver for FT8. Crystals are available for 7.074 MHz. and 14.070 MHz (which can be “pulled” with a trimmer to 14.074 MHz).

An ultra compact QRO transceiver for 40 Meters with 50 to 70 watts output power by DK7IH
On one hand sunspot cycle is on the decline. Conditions on the higher bands tend to deteriorate gradually. On the other hand I wanted a very compact transceiver for outdoor (particularly holiday) activities. Besides this and due to the fact that I prefer monoband operation when on tour, the potentially ideal band had to be found.

ANDIRÁ Transceptor 40m SSB / CW por PY2OHH
Trata-se de um transceptor que tem algumas novidades, foi um misto de bitx com ararinha, juntando o que se tem de melhor e simples em cada projeto, com pequenas modificações.

ARARINHA #1 - Simple QRP SSB TRX 40m 4W by PY2OHH
After building the BITX, we rethink the project with integrated circuits and arrive at a surprising result. With few components we develop a simple and efficient transceiver.

VARARINHA #2 - Simple QRP SSB TRX 40m 4W by PY2OHH
A simple transceiver QRP of SSB, with 4 Watts of output power for 40m.

VARARINHA #3 - Simple QRP SSB TRX 40m 8W by PY2OHH
A simple transceiver QRP of SSB, with 8 Watts of output power for 40m.

ARARINHA #4 - Simple QRP SSB TRX 40m 8W by PY2OHH
ARARINHA 4 is an evolution of project ARARINHA that it looks to be a simple radio, cheap and efficient for SSB. The components of the assembly of the radio are of easy acquisition in the Brazilian market and in we look them to place minimo of components to facilitate the assembly.

'Beach 40' 7 MHz DSB transceiver by VK3YE
The 'Beach 40' is a simple yet practical voice transceiver for the 7 MHz amateur band. Go any simpler and it's hard to get contacts.

Beach 40 DSB Transceiver by KK9JEF
The Beach 40 is a double-sideband supressed-carrier transceiver for the 40m phone band. Originally designed by Vk3YE, I’m currently constructing my own with a few modifications, namely using an LC VFO instead of a ceramic-resonator VXO.

This is the great transceiver used by our friends of South Brazil. They built 18 rigs like that (november 2004).
Because the strong signal , stability and audio quality we talk to Jair, about the circuit, mainly looking for the VXO design and he kindly send us the schematic.

Direct Conversion HF Transceiver with DDS by OH2NLT & OH7SV
JUMA-TRX1 is a direct conversion HF transceiver based on the previous JUMA-RX1, JUMA-TX1, JUMA-KEYER1 projects. It is driven by a stable DDS VFO.

'Knobless Wonder' single channel 7 MHz SSB transceiver by VK3YE
The 'Knobless Wonder' is a simple fixed frequency SSB voice transceiver for the 7 MHz amateur band. It is basically the IF and audio end of a BitX.

O Maritaca tem 8 Watts de potência de saída, podendo chegar aos 12W dependendo da tensão de alimentação. Toda a recepção foi derivada do projeto do Jair pois tem um rendimento excelente.

'Micro 40' 7 MHz DSB transceiver by VK3YE
The 'Micro 40' is a simple DSB voice transceiver for the 7 MHz amateur band. A single NE602 forms both the transmitter's balanced modulator and the receiver's product detector.

In my might a DSB Pixie is a big challange, knowing that I had excellents results from a CW Pixie and a chance to study a DSB modulation. We come again to internet and collet more informations, now about SSB and DSB.

The “Micro42” – Another “shirt pocket” SSB transceiver by DK7IH
Having deferred the work on the “micro multibander” for some time I finished another small QRP rig (this one for 7MHz) that is suitable for my summer excursions by bike or hiking the local mountains here in the State of Rhineland-Palatinate or the Black Forest that is not that far away on the other side of the Rhine valley.

The Simple SSB Transceiver by N6QW
This project uses only 10 Transistors/FET's to make you heard on the airwaves. The lineup includes: Four 2N3904's, Two 2N3906's, Two J310's, One 2N2219A and One IRF510. These can be had for about $5 total. That is a lot of bang for the buck!

The VK3YE Micro 40 DSB Transceiver by AA7EE
At this point of course, I was committed, and set about building what I hoped would be the first DSB rig I’d build from scratch that would actually work. I have made a few changes to VK3YE’s schematic, and will describe them here.

Un transceiver Low Cost Le SANTERRE de F6FEO
Ce transceiver a été calculé pour le trafic sur 7 Mhz, bande délicate car étroite et soumise à de forts signaux en fin de journée.
Par simplicité, j'ai fait appel aux mixers actifs à cellule de Gilbert que sont les NE602 ou 612.

Creatie datum : 02/09/2013 @ 23:40
Laatste wijziging : 03/08/2024 @ 17:51
Categorie : 40m Projekten
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